Latest News

  • 2024 Centre County Chapter Annual Meeting and Picnic

    Check out some photos from the Annual Meeting and Picnic.......

  • UPCOMING Centre County Chapter Events - Save These Dates

    Mark your calendar for these 2023 Centre County Chapter Upcoming Event dates.....

  • PSAA Presents

    Showcasing the power of Penn State.... The Penn State Alumni Association Presents Event schedule.....

  • Centre County Chapter wins 2023 Homecoming Parade Top Group Overall

    Congratulations to all of our Centre County Chapter members that participated in the homecoming parade..................

  • Centre County Chapter Participated in the 2021 Homecoming Parade

    The Centre County Chapter marched in the 2021 Homecoming Parade welcoming back all our great alumni................

  • 2020 Homecoming Parade Winners

    Thank you immensely to all the groups who participated in the 2020 Virtual Homecoming Parade. Most Enthusiastic Centre County Chapter...

  • November 2020 Edition—News for Alumni Association Members

    The Alumni Association is committed to keeping all Penn Staters connected to one another and to the University. As part of this commitment, we offer a wide variety of virtual programming, including career-focused workshops and conversations with Penn Stat

  • From the President

    Yes, we have been facing trying times, and yet there are many among us who are pressing on, both to dance in the rain, and to foresee a brighter future.......

  • Membership Information

    Thank you for belonging to our local chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association. We want to let you know about coming changes that will affect chapter membership in the future.  Starting July 1st, Association membership at the local and University l

  • Managing stress during COVID-19

    More than ever, it's important to stay home to slow the spread of COVID-19, and if you must go out, practice social distancing. While we stay home, don't let fear and anxiety about the COVID-19 pandemic become overwhelming. Here are a few ways.....

  • From the President

    “In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer”  Albert Camus.............. September usually heralds the start of football season, a time of returning to school, excitement and anticipation, camaraderie and ge

  • In Need of Assistance

    In Need of Assistance? In this age of social distancing due to COVID-19, the Centre County Chapter is here to serve our community. If you or someone you know in Centre County is unable to go out for supplies or groceries (or must stay home because of a c

  • From the President

    Welcome to Summer in Happy Valley! It has truly been a magnificent summer so far, with lots of sun and just enough rain to keep the grass green and growing............

  • From the President

    One of my duties as your CCCPSAA President is to file, by August 1st, an annual report on our activities................


    Our members turned out and gave generously! On a beautiful first day of May in State College, our Chapter collected approximately 2000 pounds of food for those in need. Half was donated to the State College Food Bank and the other half to the YMCA's Feed

  • Emergency fund to support Penn State students amid coronavirus precautions

    The Centre County Chapter is donating $1000 to the Emergency Fund in support of Penn State Students facing challenges during the coronavirus precautions. You too can contribute click here......

  • Opportunity

    There is a student with the Daily Collegian who wants to interview alumnae for an article about ‘Life as a woman student at Penn State in the 1960's’. Anyone who is interested in participating, please drop Mike a note

  • From the President

    Dear CCCPSAA Member, Getting used to the new, Coronavirus-imposed way of living and swiftly adapting to rapidly changing priorities and situations has us all a little off-balance. We are under stress, and that will continue as we face challenges in the

  • Free Tickets to Pink Zone Lady Lions Basketball

    FREE TICKETS TO PINK ZONE GAME for Chapter Members. Thanks to the generosity of Morgan Stanley we have a limited number of free tickets to the Lady Lions Pink Zone game on Feb. 9th at 2:00 pm in the BJC. Chapter members may pick up tickets at the receptio

  • THON Fundraiser

    Please join fellow chapter members for a $5 donation to walk for a cure on Wednesday January 29 weather permitting. In case of inclement weather date will be Friday January 31. Check website for cancellation information. Remember you can donate eve

  • Horse Race Planning Meeting

    There will be a planning meeting for the Chapter's Annual Horse Race Fundraiser on January 8th at 3:00pm at the Hintz Family Alumni Center.

  • November Nittany News

    Stay up to date with the latest news from the Chapter.

  • CCCPSAA migrates to new membership model

    CCCPSAA's board recently approved the migration to a new membership model. Starting November 1, membership will be offered at $15 annually per individual. The current option for joint membership will be retired. Members who currently are in joint membersh

  • Obligatory PSU Podcast Recording Available

    In July, the chapter partnered with The Obligatory PSU Podcast for a recording with Matt McGloin. The recording from this event is now live and available for download by vitsiting this link:

  • Homecoming 2019 Is Almost Here!

    The CCCPSAA Homecoming planning committee has been working to make Penn State's 100th Homecoming especially memorable. Interested in representing the Centre County Chapter in the parade on Friday, October 4? Please contact Amy Farkas at

  • Special Group Rates available for upcoming shows at Eisenhower Auditorium

    The Chapter has partnered with the Center for the Performing Arts at Penn State to offer discounted tickets to upcoming shows to our membership.

  • Thank you to all of the volunteers that helped with Spend a Summer Day

    A big thank you to our CCCPSAA volunteers who helped with this year's Spend A Summer Day program. Your time and effort was greatly appreciated and we are proud to have welcomed many new generations of Penn Staters to Happy Valley!

  • Membership Renewals

    If you were a member last year, and have not yet renewed, your membership expiration date was June 30, 2019. We are now managing membership renewals through the new Chapter website, ( If you have any questions at all, email the Membe

  • Looking ahead to Homecoming 2019

    Looking ahead to Homecoming 2019 The Centre County Chapter’s plans to celebrate Homecoming 2019 are underway and we want your energy and ideas! We will continue the tradition of participating in the parade on Friday, October 4, 2019. If you are interes


    We need you!  We are putting together an Events Committee Team for 2024.  You do not need to serve on the Board to be part of the committee.....